DAWNING IN S.C.Learn more about Community Solar from South Carolina's electric cooperatives.
Your source for solar information
From your trusted energy partner.
New technology, falling prices and financial incentives mean solar energy is more accessible for South Carolina homeowners and businesses.
The state's independent, consumer-owned and not-for-profit electric cooperatives developed this site to help consumer-members make informed decisions about solar power—including rooftop PV systems and the electric cooperatives' Community Solar Initiative.
Contact Your Co-op
Tuesday | July 6, 2021
Solar power supply deals move toward construction
Central Electric Power Cooperative, the power supplier for South Carolina’s electric cooperatives, has completed agreements with four solar developers...
Monday | November 30, 2020
Cooperative to seek more solar power in S.C.
Central Electric Power Cooperative, the power supplier for South Carolina’s electric cooperatives, will add new renewable solar energy to its resource...
Monday | June 8, 2020
Co-op to seek more solar power
Central Electric Power Cooperative plans to add more solar power to the mix of electricity sources used to supply electric cooperatives in South Carol...
Monday | February 18, 2019
S.C.'s largest solar farm in Colleton County
When it was dedicated in January 2014, the Colleton Solar Farm was the largest solar installation in South Carolina’s history.
Monday | February 18, 2019
The dollars and sense of solar demand
The dollars and sense of solar demand
Monday | February 18, 2019
Want to install solar panels? Here's what you should know.
Want to install solar panels? Here's what you should know.